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Bne Akiwa allgemein Letter from World secretary General about new year and preperations for the 11th Veida
21.10.2006 von Webmaster

Erev Rosh HaShana 5767 - 21/09/06

Dear Chaverim – Hashem Imachem

Upon the beginning of the New Year, I would like to wish you and your families a peaceful and joyful new year, a year of Aliya and Geula.
World Bnei Akiva begins this year with a drive of growth and renewal.
As I enter my new role as the general manager of World Bnei Akiva, I would like to thank my predecessor and my dear friend Gael Grunewald, who served eight years as general manager, with great devotion to Am Yisrael and to the movement, with much success.

During the past ten years I have founded and lead the Zionist Kollellim in the Diaspora, "Tora MiTzion", with full cooperation with World Bnei Akiva, Seeing Eye to eye the Torani spiritual needs in the Diaspora.
I have recently returned from fighting in Lebanon. Besides the great devotion of the Miluim forces, I was privileged to witness the bonding and the love of Am Yisrael during difficult times, the huge hug the home front gave the army and the devotion of the entire population for each and every individual.

The events of the past year – from the disengagement and the destruction of Gush Katif and the North of the Shomron, until the war in Lebanon, force us to a redefinition of the term "Chaluziut" (pioneering).
In Janaury 2007 we will be holding the 11th World Bnei Akiva congress (Veida). The purpose of the Veida is to set the movements spiritual and Hagshama goals, including the movement members in making the decisions concerning the future of the movement and renewing forces for future activities all over the world.
I call upon you, Mazkirim, parents committees, presidents of communities, Shlichim, bogrim and Chanichim, to take part in the 11th Veida, 4-9 January 2007.
One of the main goals of the Veida is to strengthen and embrace the North of Israel.

In preparation for the Veida we need to have a Members count and local Veidot, see attached files.
The success of the local Veidot and the Members count will pave the way to the success of the World Veida.
If you have ideas for the topics that should be discussed at Veida or any comments and suggestions please send them to:

Wishing you Shana Tova and Gmar Chatima Tova,
בברכת חברים לתורה ועבודה
Zeev Schwartz
Secretary General

Interne Links:

NEWS: Einladung zur 'Veida of World Bnei Akiva'

ARTIKEL: Why do we have a World Veida?

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