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Artikel » Bne Akiwa allgemein 2 Artikel
Why do we have a World Veida?
Bne Akiwa allgemein 21/09/06 World Bnei Akiva is a huge international movement that consists of over 50,000 members world wide (out of Israel). As a movement of this size there are lots of decisions to be made, the Veida is the name of the convention were the policies are set and the most important decisions for the...
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World Bnei Akiva Shareholders
Bne Akiwa allgemein We turn to you as a friend of World Bnei Akiva to please take a few minutes to watch the following video clip. As someone who cherishes the amazing work World Bnei Akiva has done in the past and is doing in the present I am sure that you will appreciate its importance. More information at: ...
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